Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Biofoods in India: 6. References

References for Biofoods in India posts 1-5:

  1. Banytė, Jūratė., Jokšaitė, Eglė., & Virvilaitė, Regina. “Relationship of Consumer Attitude and Brand: Emotional AspectCOMMERCE OF ENGINEERING DECISIONS. 65 ISSN 1392-2785 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS. 2007. No 2 (52) pp 65-77.
  2. Bill Gates Backs Genetically Modified Food Council For Biotechnology Information. February 2nd 2010.
  3. Burton, M., & Pearse, D. (2002). Consumer attitudes towards genetic modification, functional foods, and microorganisms: A Choice modeling experiment for beer. AgBioForum, 5(2), 51-58.
  4. Carey, John and others. “Are Bio-foods Safe?” Science and Technology: Biotech. BusinessWeek: December 20, 1999.
  5. Coale, Kristi. “The Biofood battle” Investigation. Centre for Investigative Reporting, California, USA. August 1, 2000.
  6. Cummins, Ronnie. “Biodiversity Bombshell”. BioDemocracy News #37 Frankencorn Fight: Cautionary Tales. 10 Jan 2002
  7. Doyle, Mark. “The limits of a Green Revolution? BBC News Special Report. BBC World Service Documentary Archive. 29 March 2007.
  8. Food Biotechnology: Consumer perceptions of food biotechnologySUMMARY OF KEY FINDINGS FOR INDIA. ASIAN FOOD INFORMATION CENTRE (AFIC) 2008.
  9. GM peas cause immune response – A gap in the approval process? GMO Compass. 3 January 2006.
  10. Greenpeace uncovers illegal GM food in News. Greenpeace India. May 02.2008.
  11. Gruère, G.P, & Rao, S.R. (2007). A review of international labeling policies of genetically modified food to evaluate India’s proposed rule. AgBioForum, 10(1), 51-64.
  12. Hazell, Peter B.R. “Green Revolution curse or blessing? International Food Policy Research Institute, USA. A Future Harvest Centre. 2002.
  13. Hoban, Thomas J. Public Attitudes towards Agricultural ESA Working Paper No. 04-09. May 2004 Agricultural and Development Economics Division, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  14. "India rejects GM food from USA" The AgBioIndia Bulletin. International Policy. January 23, 2003.
  15. Jain, Sonu. “Doors opened for processed GM foods to enter India Express. September 26, 2007.
  16. Kent, L. (2004). “What's the holdup? Addressing constraints to the use of plant biotechnology in developing countries.” AgBioForum, 7(1&2), 63-69.
  17. Krishna, J. “Activists Gift 'last GM free Brinjals' to 150 Tamilnadu MLAs News. Greenpeace India. January 28.2009.
  18. Krishna, Vijesh V.; Qaim, Matin “Consumer Attitudes toward GM Food and Pesticide Residues in India” (Abstract) Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2008, pp. 233-251(19).
  19. Moeskops, Oddette.Resistance: how do you handle your emotional response towards it?” Management site for and by professionals
  20. Munkvold, Gary P., and Hellmich, Richard L. “Genetically modified, insect resistant corn: Implications for disease managementAPSnet Feature, October 15 thru November 30, 1999, APSnet Plant Pathology Online.
  21. Ramaswami, B. (2007). Biofortified crops and biotechnology: A political economy landscape for India. AgBioForum, 10(3), 170-177.

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