Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CSR: 7. References

List of References for CSR: posts 1-6:

  1. Browning, Jackson B. “UNION CARBIDE: DISASTER AT BHOPAL”. Reprint from Crisis Response: Inside Stories on Managing Under Siege. Jack A Gottschalk, Ed. Visible Ink Press, a division of Gale Research. Detroit Michigan. 1993.
  2. Clarence Hailey Long, 1949 - Another Landmark Image”. digitaljournalist.org The Digital Journalist. Life. Powered by Hewlett-Packard. Undated.
  3. Cochrane, Robert. “Ethics and games theory”. twmacademy.com. TWM Academy. Powered by The Working Manager. Undated.
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility / Human Resource”. ibef.org. IBEF India Brand Equity Foundation. Managed by Woodapple. Undated. Updated December 2009.
  5. Economic history of India”. wikipedia.org.Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Undated.
  6. Elkington, John. “Chapter 1 Enter the Triple Bottom Line”. johnelkington.com. pp 1-16. 17/8/04.
  7. Gopalakrishnan, R. “Insaaniyat”. tata.co.in. TATA leadership with trust. June 2004.
  8. Iyer, Raghavan. “GANDHIAN TRUSTEESHIP IN THEORY AND PRACTICE”. theosophytrust.org. Theosophy Trust. August 1985.
  9. Kumar, Jeevan. “Economy and Society – The Gandhian Perspectivepekea-fr.org. Undated.
  10. Mehra Madhav. “The poor are not an obligation; they are an opportunity”. wcfcg.net. WORLD COUNCIL FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. Undated.
  11. Marlboro Man”. wikipedia.org.Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Undated.
  12. Origins of CSR and Stakeholder Theory”. chriscurnow.com. The Spiral Path A SEARCH FOR MEANING AND PURPOSE IN WORK. July 9, 2006.
  13. Sengupta Biswas, Jharna. “How and what”. ”. twmacademy.com. TWM Academy. Powered by The Working Manager. Undated.
  14. Sengupta Biswas, Jharna. “Letter and spirittwmacademy.com. TWM Academy. Powered by The Working Manager. Undated.
  15. Sriramachari, S. “The Bhopal gas tragedy: An environmental disaster”. ias.ac.in. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 7, pp905-920.10 APRIL 2004.
  16. Weber, Thomas. “Mahatma Gandhi – A living sermon”. lifepositive.com. Life Positive Your Complete Guide To Holistic Living. Oct-Dec 2002.

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